Science Afternoon 24.02.2021
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Progress Report Z01 & IRTG
External Speaker: Dr Jennifer Rieusset, Laboratoire CarMeN
The Science Afternoon starts at 3pm.

Poster Party
The opportunity for our young scientists too present the work during their time in the SFB came with the poster party. This is still part of the…

Science Afternoon 27.01.2021
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Progress Report A01
External Speaker Dr. Pablo Pelegrin (BioMedical Research Institute of Murcia, Spain)
The Science Afternoon starts at…

At the recent general Assembly of the European Calcium Society Prof. Andreas Guse was announced as the new President of the ECS. Furthermore Geert…

Science Afternoon 09.12.2020
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External Speaker Prof. Barry V L Potter (Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford)
The Science Afternoon starts at 4pm.

Retreat 2020
As the planned retreat in the summer or autumn sadly couldn't take place a majorly shortened retreat was held in november to present the progress and…