Science Afternoon 29.05.2019
Progress Report A04
External Speaker: Dr. Juan Du, van Andel Insitute, Michigan, USA
The Science Afternoon starts at 2pm and ends at 6pm. refreshments…
Science Afternoon 24.04.2020
Progress Report: A07
External Speaker: Nicolas Demaurex from the University of Geneva, Switzerland
The Science Afternoon starts at 2pm and ends at…
nature: article was published on 13 March 2019
β-Synuclein-reactive T cells induce autoimmune CNS grey matter degeneration
Congratulations to now PD Dr. René Werner from Project A02 for successfully finishing his Habilation entitled "Non-linear medical image…
Science Afternoon 20.02.2019
Progress Report A03 – Niels Lory & Mikolaj Nawrocki
External Speaker: Jürgen Schrader, Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf
The Science Afternoon…