News Details

Science Afternoon 04.12.2024

2:00-3:00 pm Meet the speaker for Young Scientist N30

3:00–3:45 pm Progress Report A16

Daniela Hirnetand Shiva Shahmorad

UHH, Institut. für Zell-u. Systembiologie der Tiere NeurophysiologieTitle: „ATP-dependent neuromodulation in the processing of olfactory"

4:00–5:00pm Guestspeaker–host Andreas Guse

Prof. Dr. med. Victor Puelles

UKE, III. Med. Klinik und Poliklinik (Nephrologie/Rheumatologie/Endokrinologie)

Title: “Decoding tissues across biological scales”

5:00–5:30pm Open discussion PIs & young scientists

Letzte News


University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology 
Martinistrasse 52
20246 Hamburg

Scientific Coordinator

Dr. Björn-Philipp Diercks
Fon: +49  (0) 40 7410 54338
E-Mail: b.diercks©


Laura Mitsching
Fon: +49  (0) 40 7410 50301
E-Mail: l.mitsching©