News Details

Science Afternoon 13.11.2024

3.00 - 3.45pm Progress Report A15

Annette Nicke

Title:  „Biochemical and functional analysis of P2X7 protein interactions and nanobody binding"

4.00 - 5.00pm Guestspeaker

Prof. Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr

Helmholtz-Institut für Pharmazeutische Forschung, Universität des Saarlandes

Title: „ Drug Delivery across Biological Barriers to combat Bacterial Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance"

5.00 - 5.30pm Meet the Speaker for young scientists

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  • 13Nov
    Science Afternoon 13.11.2024

    3.00 - 3.45pm Progress Report A15

    Annette Nicke

    Title:  „Biochemical and functional analysis of P2X7 protein interactions and nanobody binding"



University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology 
Martinistrasse 52
20246 Hamburg

Scientific Coordinator

Dr. Björn-Philipp Diercks
Fon: +49  (0) 40 7410 54338
E-Mail: b.diercks©


Laura Mitsching
Fon: +49  (0) 40 7410 50301
E-Mail: l.mitsching©