Retreat 2019

#1 Retreat of the SFB1328 at Tagungszentrum Jesteburg

The #1 Retreat of the SFB1328 took place from 22nd to the 23rd of March 2019 at the beautiful Tagungszentrum in Jesteburg. During these 2 days we had over 20 talks, almost all the Projects were presented. In Addition, 38 Posters were presentend during the poster party with lively hands-on discussion. Also the ascociated Projects were able to present their data for possbile integration into the SFB1328.


University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology 
Martinistrasse 52
20246 Hamburg

Scientific Coordinator

Dr. Björn-Philipp Diercks
Fon: +49  (0) 40 7410 54338
E-Mail: b.diercks©


Laura Mitsching
Fon: +49  (0) 40 7410 50301
E-Mail: l.mitsching©